The works of Aat Veldhoen are part of the collection of Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, Amsterdam Museum, Stedelijk Museum, Museum het Rembrandthuis, Museum Beelden aan Zee, Museum Bommel van Dam, Museum Tot Zover, Scheepvaartmuseum, Rijkscollectie RCE , Singer Museum Laren, private collections etc.
The Veldhoen heirs are the owners and custodian of the copyrights to all of Aat Veldhoen’s artworks in all media, whether in public or private collection. Reproduction of works by Aat Veldhoen is subject to the prior written consent of the Veldhoen heirs. For all copyright requests and permissions please contact Pictoright, Amsterdam: e-mail: info@pictoright.nl
website: www.pictoright.nl
phone: +31 20 5891840
For other questions and request please contact info@aatveldhoen.com